Swan October 2023 Monthly Report


The Swan team is constantly optimizing existing products, hoping to bring you a better experience. In the meantime, we continue to create new products and experiences, so stay tuned!

The following is a recap of what we have achieved in October.

Community Progress

On October 27th, Lagrange launched MusicGen Space and published an article “MusicGen on Lagrange: AI Music Powered by Decentralized Cloud,” which delves into how it utilizes advanced AI for music generation.

On October 26th & 19th, Swan hosted SWAN Quiz Thursdays, where participants tested their knowledge on a range of topics. These events provided an exciting way to engage with the community and offered opportunities to win prizes.

Swan celebrated the spooky season with the Lagrange Spooky Week Challenge from October 24th to 31st. Participants engaged in various activities, including generating creepy art in StableDiffusion Space, crafting ghostly music in MusicGen Space, and trying to evade ghosts in Pac-Man Space.

On October 21st, Lagrange introduced a list of innovative spaces, highlighting Lagrange Spaces as a Web3 version of GitHub. These spaces provide a decentralized platform for innovation and live demonstrations, contributing to the growth of the Web3 ecosystem.

From October 16th to 22nd, Swan hosted a Pac-Man Competition on Lagrange. Players accessed the Pac-Man Space and competed to set high scores, combining nostalgia with a gaming challenge.

On October 3rd, Swan CEO Charles Cao delivered an inspiring speech at SmartCon 2023. During his address, he made two significant announcements: the renaming of FilSwan to Swan and the integration of Lagrange with Chainlink’s Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP).

On October 5th, 12th, 19th, and 26th, the Swan Flash Task Thursday Bidding Event was held as scheduled, and several storage providers participated in the task bidding. Currently, a total of 460 TB of data storage has been sent to task bid winners.

Product Progress


  • Added RPC functionality, making it easier for users to access Lagrange’s RPC interface. Already deployed on testnet.
  • Updated the user interface to optimize user experience, already deployed on testnet.
  • Adapted USDC for Lagrange payments, which will allow users to pay with stablecoins. Already deployed on testnet.
  • Split Lagrange from Auction Engine to prepare for Swan-hub launch. Already deployed on testnet.
  • Swan-SDK Alpha Testing coming soon. Swan-SDK will allow Computing Providers to directly access Swan Compute System via SDK.

Computing Providers

Multi-Chain Storage

Meta Ark

  • Meta-service added data aggregation functionality. Small files are aggregated into large files before being stored in the distributed storage system.
  • Rebuild-service added functionality to retrieve target data from aggregated data.
  • go-mc-sdk added rebuild data functionality.


  • Continued to store snapshots of multiple public chains, including Polygon Mainnet, Polygon Mumbai, SUI, OP, Pocket, Filecoin, BSC, Avalanche, Arbitrum, Aptos, and other mainstream public chains.

About Swan:

Swan is a Layer 2 solution designed for decentralized cloud computing. Backed by strategic partnerships with industry leaders such as Filecoin, IPFS, Chainlink, Polygon, Microsoft Azure, and Google Startups Cloud Program, Swan is well-positioned to drive the future of Web3 Storage and Computing. With cutting-edge solutions like Lagrange and Multi-Chain Storage, Swan is funded by Binance Labs, Chainlink Labs, SNZ Holding, Outlier Ventures, Chain Capital, and more.

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Swan Chain - Building A Full Toolset AI Blockchain

Using OP Stack's Ethereum Layer 2 technology, we pioneers in merging Web3 with AI by providing full solutions across storage, computing, bandwidth, and payments