Swan Chain: The DePIN Built for AI


In the digital era, AI has become a key engine driving technological innovation. However, as AI technology continues to evolve and become more widespread, the demand for high-performance computing resources, large-scale storage space, and privacy computing capabilities grows daily.

Faced with these new challenges, the Canadian blockchain development team Swan, after 3 years of R&D, has adopted the Ethereum Layer 2 technology of the OP Stack to design a brand-new AI DePIN solution. Swan Chain has reduced GPU computing costs by 70%. Swan Chain also provides a series of AI+Web3 tools, significantly lowering the threshold for developers and users.

1. What is DePIN / AI DePIN

1.1 DePIN

DePIN stands for “Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network”, which is a blockchain protocol that builds, maintains, and operates physical hardware infrastructure in an open and decentralized manner. As a broad concept, DePIN covers infrastructure such as data storage, wireless connectivity, computing, energy, and data collection. Through smart contracts and IoT technology, it realizes autonomous and real-time interaction within the physical infrastructure, thereby improving the system response capabilities that adapt to human needs.

DePIN projects can connect with each other, integrate, and interoperate, thereby forming a rich and diverse ecosystem that benefits both users and the community.

For example:

  • Swan uses the IPFS storage network to back up important AI datasets and computing tasks on the Filecoin network.
  • Swan’s numerous computing nodes can provide zero-knowledge proof outsourcing computing tasks for public blockchains like Aleo and Filecoin, and collaborate with Pocket Network to provide RPC services, etc.

1.2 AI DePIN

AI DePIN refers to a DePIN network specially created for AI computing needs. It is committed to integrating global computing, storage, network and energy resources, and providing efficient, reliable and economical underlying infrastructure support for the training, inference and deployment of AI models. Compared with the services provided by traditional centralized cloud service providers for AI, AI DePIN overcomes the pain points of high cost, low efficiency and data privacy.

As a leader in the AI DePIN track, the Swan team, with its 8 years of exploration and deep cultivation in the cloud computing and AI fields, has realized a solution that provides efficient and secure AI computing resources and accompanying tools for global users.

2. Swan Chain: The First EVM Compatible AI Computing Chain

Swan Chain, as the first EVM-compatible AI computing chain, focuses more on meeting the special requirements of the AI field in terms of computing, storage, and data privacy, providing AI developers with a one-stop comprehensive solution.

Founded in 2021, Swan Chain is a DePIN Ethereum Layer 2 network that accelerates AI applications. Utilizing the Ethereum Layer 2 expansion solution of the OP Stack, Swan Chain combines AI with Web3 by providing comprehensive solutions including cross-chain storage, computing resources, bandwidth resources, and payment methods. By integrating the underutilized computing resources in the community’s data center network, Swan Chain’s network integration significantly reduces computing resource costs by up to 70% and realizes the monetization of idle computing resources.

Swan Chain has built decentralized storage, AI suppliers, and ZK (Zero-knowledge) suppliers’ three major resource trading markets, and on this basis, provides services such as Multichain IPFS storage and AI model sharing platform (Lagrangedao.org) to lower the threshold for users to use decentralized AI network resources, further enhancing the ecosystem’s interoperability, making it more convenient and economical.

Currently, Swan Chain has formed strategic partnerships with industry giants such as Filecoin, IPFS, Chainlink, Optimism, Microsoft Azure, Google, etc. Swan Chain has also received investment from leading institutions such as Binance Labs, Protocol Labs, Chainlink Labs, Outlier Ventures, SNZ, etc.Through close collaboration with prominent organisations, Swan Chain is building a fully functional, highly scalable AI computing infrastructure ecosystem.

3. Swan Chain’s Core Product Matrix

Swan Chain’s key innovations, designed to meet users’ needs for computing, storage, and privacy protection, include:

3.1 Distributed AI Computing Ecosystem

Swan Chain offers powerful AI computing resources, including CPUs, GPUs, storage, bandwidth, and memory. Its core component, Swan Orchestrator, efficiently coordinates and manages global distributed computing resources. Through an intelligent scheduling system, it dynamically allocates optimal resources for each AI task and uses encryption and sharding technologies to ensure the security and privacy of data and model codes.

Currently, Swan Orchestrator’s test network spans 14 countries and 24 cities worldwide, with more than 70 computing nodes in countries such as the USA, Canada, Germany, the UK, China, Japan, South Korea, the Netherlands, Singapore, Ukraine, Vietnam, etc. This powerful distributed computing power network provides a solid foundation for the efficient processing of AI computing tasks.

You can visit https://orchestrator.swanchain.io/provider-status to check the latest status of this computing network in real time.

3.2 Cross-Chain Decentralized Storage

Swan Chain integrates deeply with several decentralized storage networks such as IPFS and Filecoin to provide users with economical and efficient long-term data storage services. Users can securely access and manage their data stored on these networks anytime, anywhere, ensuring data availability and permanence. Swan Chain’s global network of 200+ decentralized storage nodes provides strong security and stability for user data, with data availability reaching 99.9999%. Since its establishment, the Swan storage market has completed over 1 million data transactions and over 50+PB of data transmission.

3.3 ZKP Computing Resources

Swan Chain introduces an innovative ZK outsourcing computing market, providing ZK outsourcing computing services for the global blockchain ecosystem, such as Filecoin and Aleo. As computing nodes in Swan provide ZK outsourcing services, they also receive the minimum basic income (Swan UBI) of the Swan ecosystem. The ZK market has completed over 50K ZK computing tasks within 2 months of its launch.

Currently, Swan supports Filecoin C2 zero-knowledge tasks. You can learn more about ZK-UBI by checking out “Swan zk-UBI: Building a Decentralized ZKPs Computing Market with Filecoin Integration”.

3.4 EVM Compatible Layer 2 Solution

Swan Chain, using OP Superchain technology as an Ethereum L2 AI computing chain, provides a high-throughput, low-cost scalable running environment. Users can directly “migrate” EVM dApps such as DeFi and GameFi to run on Swan Chain, fully compatible with the Ethereum network ecosystem while benefiting from greater transaction bandwidth and lower gas fees. The Saturn testnet has completed over 100 million transactions and a peak daily traffic of 5 million transactions since its launch two months ago.

4. AI Foundation Models and Platforms

Swan Chain not only provides powerful computing resources and storage services, but also innovates in terms of basic models and platforms, providing AI users and developers with a wider range of support and choices.

4.1 Lagrange DAO: Web3 Version of Hugging Face

Lagrange DAO is a decentralized AI computing platform built on Swan Chain, akin to the Web3 version of Hugging Face. Lagrange provides a series of web3+AI development kits, such as an IPFS version of GitHub, fork and code version management, decentralized computing integration, smart contract payments and compensation mechanisms, etc. Through these development tools, data engineers and developers can easily carry out AI image recognition, generative AI imaging model deployment, and development work. So far, there have been over 1000 models, 50,000 deployments, and 1 million hours of GPU inference time.

Currently, Lagrange offers cutting-edge AI models such as image generation (Stable Diffusion), music generation (MusicGen), and text-to-speech synthesis. Users can not only experience these models, but also build and deploy new AI models on the web, without relying on expensive centralized cloud services.

4.2 Multi-Chain Storage: Cross-Chain Data Storage Platform

Multi-Chain Storage (MCS) is a Web3 storage service platform designed to simplify data storage across blockchain networks, acting as a secure S3 storage gateway. MCS supports bucket-based IPFS data storage structures and deploys users’ critical data on 200 high-quality Filecoin nodes supported by Swan to ensure high-speed data read/write and data security.

For more details, please visit “Bridging Decentralized Storage with Filecoin and Swan Multi-Chain Storage”.

5. AI Use Cases

As a leading AI DePIN product, Swan Chain supports a range of powerful AI models, including Stable Diffusion and MusicGen.

5.1 Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is a deep learning-based image generation AI model. Supported by Swan Chain’s distributed computing capabilities and robust computing resources, Stable Diffusion is able to fully unleash its potential, providing users with high-quality, lifelike image generation services. In the Mars testnet event, AI enthusiasts utilized this powerful computing network, made up of global computing providers, to deploy over 2,000 Stable Diffusion LoRa models on Lagrange, generating about 100,000 beautiful and lifelike images, approximately 40,000 of which were uploaded to Multichain.Storage.

Images generated using Lagrange’s Stable Diffusion Space by users

5.2 MusicGen

MusicGen is another innovative AI model supported by Lagrange. It is capable of composing high-quality music based on text descriptions or melodies. MusicGen Space on Swan Chain provides a simple interface for users to experience this advanced model. Simply enter text describing the type of music you desire, and MusicGen will generate original music based on the description.

To experience more cutting-edge AI models, visit here: https://docs.lagrangedao.org/spaces/use-case

Looking Ahead!

In conclusion, as a decentralized infrastructure network tailor-made for AI, Swan Chain is bringing new development opportunities to the Web3 combined with AI computing field. By integrating global distributed computing and storage resources, Swan Chain lowers the deployment cost of AI applications, improving efficiency and scalability. At the same time, innovative privacy computing solutions and ecosystem infrastructure provide unprecedented support and freedom for AI developers.

In the future, Swan Chain will continue to advance the development of the AI DePIN ecosystem, working together with more partners to build a more open, efficient, and sustainable AI infrastructure, facilitating the advent of the intelligent era. Let us look forward to the innovation and surprises that Swan Chain can bring to the field of AI computing.



Swan Chain - Building A Full Toolset AI Blockchain

Using OP Stack's Ethereum Layer 2 technology, we pioneers in merging Web3 with AI by providing full solutions across storage, computing, bandwidth, and payments