
Marketing Progress

  • FilSwan Founder Charles Cao was invited to the Filecoin Virtual Machine Count Down at ETHDenver 2023 to introduce the project Lagrange DAO. As an FVM Early Builder, Lagrange DAO is designed to build a Data DAO supported by Chainlink data oracles, for provable storage solutions that are more decentralized in governance and computing. It integrates FilSwan’s existing famous decentralized products like, and data oracle on FEVM.
  • The weekly “Swan Flash Task” activity for storage providers continuously attracts global storage providers every Thursday. As of now, 140 TB of data storage has been sent to task bid winners.
  • On March 8th, Charles Cao, Founder of FilSwan and Lagrange DAO, was invited to participate in the FVM Frames Twitter Space AMA. Charles introduced the data-sharing and computing platform Lagrange DAO, the project background, current progress and future plans of it, as well as his views on FEVM use cases.
  • On March 10th, FilSwan Team participated in the Filecoin Orbit All-Hands meeting, where BD Director Charley Chen expressed our team’s expectations of hosting events and applying to become a Filecoin Orbit Ambassador in the SEA region. Filecoin Orbit expressed their positive affirmation and support towards FilSwan Team’s aspirations. Check the slides here.

Product Progress

  • The Bucket Storage feature now supports both OSS and IPFS storage! Users can choose the storage method that best suits their needs;
  • Added subDomain function;
  • Integrated with MCS and ACL for monitoring user upload and download traffic.

FilSwan Platform

  • Additional filters have been added so that users can quickly find tasks based on their own criteria;
  • The “My Task” page has added a batch modification function for deals, allowing users to quickly modify multiple deals;
  • The amount of displayed information has been increased, enabling users to better access the data they need.

Swan Provider

  • v2.2.0-rc1 has been released and is compatible with Filecoin network V18. Storage providers can use Boost to automatically import deals by setting MARKET_VERSION=1.2 and can receive deals from both lotus-market and Boost;
  • The data importation function for deals has been optimized, with a separation between the online data download directory and the pre-downloaded data directory. Storage providers can customize both directories, resulting in higher efficiency in packaging deals for large-scale data.

Swan Client

  • v2.2.0-rc1 has been released and is compatible with Filecoin network V18. Clients can use Boost to send deals by setting MARKET_VERSION=1.2.

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Swan Chain - Building A Full Toolset AI Blockchain

Using OP Stack's Ethereum Layer 2 technology, we pioneers in merging Web3 with AI by providing full solutions across storage, computing, bandwidth, and payments